I think healthwise I’m almost back to normal. Hopefully no surprises wait down the line. I’m due to go back to work Wednesday, but I want to check with the clinic first. I don’t know if I should get a new covid test or what. I’d rather not have that swab up my nose again. I also have to set up my regular check up, before the end of September.

I really don’t feel like going back to work, but it’s not that I don’t feel well, it’s just I think I’m finally tired of going to work. I wish I could be sure I could make enough money working from home, but I’m not sure that’s possible. Oh well, I’ll tough it out as long as I can I guess. I really want to move back to Florida, Miami if possible. Central Florida looks like it’s gotten as expensive as South Florida so why not. Jacksonville is pretty cheap, and the place I work at does have a place there, but I already tried once to transfer (to Atlanta) and that didn’t work out. The thought of applying for new jobs just exhausts me. I’d rather cash out my 401K, which will happen when I’m 59, so that’s only two more years. Can I stand two more years here. I may have to.

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