Well, I thought I’d set up a blog with another software but it just didn’t work out. WordPress is still the most reliable (though I’ve neglected this site so long I had to reset the password). I just need to tweak the admin and theme so it won’t annoy me as much.
I’d also fooled around with my old LJ site but it being a Russian program now makes me feel some kind of way. I didn’t mind until the shenanigans with Ukraine. It’s not really a program that works for me any more anyway, and the same goes for Blogger. For one thing I don’t “own” (well, rent) the server space they are on. Sure they are free, but I went to the trouble of setting an account up here on Hosting Matters so I could have my own stuff ad free. Don’t like ads.
It seems that Twitter is still juddering along, but it’s becoming less and less pleasant to use every day. I don’t really like any of the other social media sites either. But Twitter is now infested with ads and blue-check nazis, I keep getting sent stuff about domestic violence and suicide, the constant money-begging is getting me down because I make enough money to not starve but I can’t help anyone else. Also my eyes are getting even worse (cataracts! some weird membrane growing on my optic nerve!) and squinting at my phone is not helping. And I tend to go off into long threads on the site that really should be blog posts — they might as well be ignored here as there.
Anyway, moving on. Adding a picture of a lamp to test that image adding here still works: [images deleted]
Nope, it fucking doesn’t. I can add ones that are already in my media library, surely?
OK, that works.