It looks like a new year is looming. No kidding. I’ve been thinking of doing some things differently, we’ll see if I can. Of course, the minute I started typing here I forgot everything…

Blog more, duh. Walk more, duh. Eat better, duh. Write more, duh. What the heck was the rest of it? Tweet less, probably. Redo the bedroom — the whole apartment, really. I have started on the front room/porch/thing. I found a dinette set, a small round table and two chairs. So now I can eat in there, when it’s not 90 below zero or something. Clean out the entire kitchen — toss all the stuff I will never eat or use, get rid of the dishes that are just clutter. Eventually just get a simple dish and silverware set that matches and a set of pots and pens finally some time this year.

I was going to look for a new apartment (different, that is) but unless I’m lucky it isn’t looking good. Rent has gone up astronomically. It’s the condo craze all over again, only it’s not even turning everything into condos, it’s just jacking rent up to a ridiculous degree, like I can never have a nice place because they’re always raising the rent just above what I can comfortably pay and still be able to eat and keep the lights on. So for now I’m staying here. I have until April anyway. I’m actually thinking of hiring a cleaning service to give this place a thorough going over, especially behind the horrid radiators and the molding above doors and things that I just can’t reach. But that will be after I get rid of the clutter.

I’m thinking also of either getting rid of the bedroom dresser or at least moving it out of the bedroom. Maybe to that nook at the end of the hall. I might replace it with an open wardrobe like this one, and use the closet for seasonal clothing, towels, and sheets. I could at least set up my weekly wardrobe that way, instead of having to dig frantically around. Also I need a proper desk in the bedroom so I can properly write in my journal. That little old sewing desk is not working. For one thing, I can’t get my fat legs under it. Also the little cane chair is too rickety, it needs to go.

Might move one of the folding tables (the one currently in the hall end just holding stuff) into the front room (after I get rid of the porch chairs and the carved chair) and using it for kitchen prep stuff. There really is no room in the kitchen. Maybe move the microwave and toaster oven out there.

So these are things I’m thinking of doing. Who knows if I’ll do any of it.

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