Well I don’t know, I remain dissatisfied with this site as definitely an imperfect work, and WP less and less usable, but it’s at least my own site as opposed to something I opened up on a commercial blogging platform (like WP.com, haha). I have not been able to blog properly since about 2012, that’s ten fucking years, so I have to make some decisions.

Social media–we all know the Site everyone is thinking of–is looking less and less like a raffish yet comfortable-because-known-evil hangout and more like some sort of deliberate shipwreck in process, and I never really accomplished anything on there, mostly wasted my time. I will say it did give me the opportunity to say “fuck you” to a variety of politicians and celebrities, when before you had to send a letter to their office or a fan club, where it would get round-filed by a secretary immediately, all your work in green crayon wasted. Most of the people I like on there have opened up accounts on the Other Sites, and so have I (will add them to my links when I set up a links list, one day). The only problem is me, and my inability to post anything longer than a few sentences.

I still have to write about my trip to Florida (finally got down there this past October). It was… interesting. And of course I have Thoughts on a number of subjects.

Right now, I am watching a couple of guys who run a pen and ink company chat on Youtube. I have subscribed to a small list of basically weird nerds who have channels. There’s the pen and ink company, another one who lives in the Netherlands and reviews fountain pens and also talks about Stoicism (I don’t watch those videos, no interest), a coffee nerd who is apparently quite influential in coffee circles, a goth musician who does DIY videos on how to goth up your home, a couple of cooking shows (one where the guy makes recipes from various different historical periods, and a dad who cooks mostly Italian stuff with his wife and kid as tasters–I’ve often said Italian food is just stuff I already know, but I’ve already seen a couple of dishes that I’ve never heard of but want to cook soon. I tend to pay attention to the cooking videos and the DIY goth stuff videos but sometimes I just let the other ones ramble on (the pen company guys’ videos are almost two hours long). Anyway, that’s the most of my entertainment. Midsomer Murders have a new season on Acorn TV though so I’ll have more to watch.

I was feeling rather okay about work again, but of course once I let my guard down things happened to make me think “why am I, at almost the age of 60, putting up with shit.” Just, things. I dislike surprises, and I was surprised, not in a good way, and it knocked me off kilter the rest of the day. Then I get admonished like I’m a little child and I’m pretty done with it. I just don’t like looking for new jobs. There aren’t many up here, they don’t pay enough, and I don’t think I can go through being the new one in the place any more. It’s that they won’t treat you with respect if you’re new, even if they don’t actually yell at you it’s a feeling you get. I don’t understand this, you went to all the trouble to hire me, but everything your doing makes me want to quit. The 401K matured so I have a little bit of cash now, but I don’t want to just spend it all, so I’d rather stick with my job for now. But if I have to… I also want to get a smaller, more manageable, and hopefully lower rent place, one with a washer dryer in the unit. I can’t handle going down to the basement, all the stares, I injured my toe the last time because I nearly tripped on the basement stairs.

I still want to move back to Florida, I’m just not sure when. When I retire? That’s still years from now. This coming year? Then I’ll have to find a new job, ugh. At least the big shitty has lots of places to work, but will they pay me enough to live on? Knowing Florida, probably not.

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